
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Goodbye for now..

When Dick got promoted to Reports Analyst (RA) post, he was given the expectation that he will be reporting to Loleck in UP Science. Well the original plan is that Dick will stay in UP Science while Cooky will be the RA here in PBCOM.

Cooky tendered his resignation leaving Dick here on his station, continuing the tasks and additional projects given by the clients and the managers.

Dick told me that he still has 2 more weeks before going to UP Science but I guess, things change and it changed faster than what was expected.

Yesterday, Dick told us that he will now be stationed to UP Science and it's going to be his last day here in PBCOM. We bought him a farewell chocolate cake from Starbucks and I thought of creating a little something for him since he became my very close and true friend for the past years.

Looking Back..

4 years and 6 months to be exact when Dick became my team mate. He's the guy always seated on the first station, just near Mikee (who was our Team Leader) and right in front of TL Murky. That was way back in 2005, in Robinson's Ortigas.

Dick Sy

First Impression?? Snob. He was just talking to Mumsie and Mikee.. He never spoke to us, or maybe just me, I don't know.

After a few months, we became close because of Mumsie, Vince, Mac and the other guys (Team Mikee's made up mostly of guys and will only have 3-4 girls). But we became even closer when we moved to PBCOM and we started sharing stories.. and Dick started sharing his stories.

Since then, we were like inseperable. We are seated right next to each other, we eat together, we go on vgh together. We love vgh (voluntary go home). I like his taste when it comes to music and he even gives me copies of mp3s he downloaded.

If you check my multiply site, you will see silly pictures of Dick as well as his funny videos. He's not a snob, he's just shy but he is very friendly.

Everyone knows Dick Sy.

Going back to the present time

We handed him his farewell cake and he was surprised. I saw him cry well he covered his eyes with his hands and paused for a while. I knew he was touched. He's not expecting it. He is always very vocal about his feelings. He told me that he's having a separation anxiety and if asked where he would like to work, he will stay here with us.

When I saw him covering his eyes, I also was a bit teary eyed. I don't like farewells, I don't like goodbyes. Good thing I have a box of tissue and I grabbed one immediately. While trying to be funny and making a joke, I was crying but I'm trying to hide it. I just stared at my monitor and act like I'm doing something.

After the cake, the videos and the jokes, I thought of creating a thank you card. We've been friends for a long time but I'm not sure if I already thanked him for everything and for just being there for me. It was a cute blue card (I got the blue paper from April and just thought of putting pieces of post its and notes on the card). I told him that I'll miss him and that I'm thankful for having him as my friend.

When I left after my shift, I went to Turing and told him that I can't say goodbye, he asked me to go with him to Dick's station but I didn't and just went straight outside the office.

I texted Dick and told him that I made a little something for him inside his bag (he was too busy he didn't notice me when I was putting the card inside his bag).

When I got home, Dick texted me and told him that he was touched and also thanked me for the friendship (awww) and promised that he will always be my friend.

So I prepared myself and my mind was already conditioned that when I go to work tonight, Dick will no longer be there in the corner trying to finish his never ending reports.

Guess what?? When I went to work earlier, Dick is still here! (Not that he was asked to stay but for some reason his request to transfer some files to UP Science is not yet complete). Anyway, he is still here.. maybe just for this day.

Dick this blog entry is dedicated to you.... =)

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