
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Post B-day and V-day Gift

I asked Alwyn to accompany me in buying some groceries at the same time, I was thinking of buying his gift. That's actually my Birthday and Valentines gift to him. That gift was long overdue since it's already the last week of February

Alwyn arrived and we went to SM Marikina along with Arrian and Yuna. We went to the Department Store first to look for a watch. Yup that's my gift, a watch, coz I know he will be able to use it at work

We looked at different brands, styles, price of course hehehe but we ended up to the very first watch I saw. A Speedo watch! It's just simple, grayish with a touch of black and a big analog watch

I asked Alwyn to wear it and it fits! So without any hesitations; I bought it for him

Afterwards, I asked Arrian to go to KFC and buy a bucket meal for lunch. While she was ordering, we went to the Supermarket to buy some diapers and Yuna's Lactacyd baby bath liquid soap.

I also took some pictures of Yuna beside a display of stuffed Tigers and a wishing well in line for the Valentines Day and Chinese New Year last last week

Here are the pictures:

So what's the next occasion? Let's wait and see

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