
Saturday, January 16, 2010

A5's First Get Together for 2010

After not being able to attend A5's Christmas Party, I was able to go to our first ever get together for the year! Yey for me!

Cha organized this little reunion and guess who's came to join us... Leah!

It's been years since we last saw Ley and it was really nice to spend time with her (Knowing that she'll be leaving this February, there's just too little time for bonding moments like this).

Ley and I were supposed to meet at Glorietta at around 6PM, unfortunately, Alwyn went to Macapagal and went home late (around 6PM). So I told Cha and Ley to go ahead, meet-up and I will just follow.

We were able to arrive in Makati around 7 but it took us a couple of minutes to look for a place to park. Then after we parked the car, we went to Via Mare in Greenbelt 3 for dinner.

There we saw Ley, Cha, Jomar and Sheirene. I was with Alwyn and Anjela, by the way. Lud followed us to the place. We had kare kare, bagnet, sinigang na tiyan ng bangus, inihaw na liempo and other viands (not sure what their name was coz I just ate them).

After dinner we went to Chili's Greenbelt 5. There was a long line outside but Chay was already waiting for us inside. We had a few drinks (well I didn't just ordered a chocolate shake), had a few talks and we were able to force Jomar to admit that he's courting Cha! Yiheee. Finally! No wonder the two of them are always together.

Anyway, even if we went home early, it was really nice to bond with my friends with my family. They love Anjela and bebe likes them too. It was a fun night, hope we can do it again some other time :)

Here's our picture in Chili's:

Til' our next get together! xoxo!

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