
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

A Detailed Review on Casa de Carlo, Tagaytay City

We just went to Casa de Carlo in Tagaytay and here's my detailed review about the place.

Before we went to the hotel, The owner, Carlo Callejo was very prompt in answering all my inquiries regarding the reservation and all that thru text messages.

One of my companions was able to talk to Carlo. He said he was an agent with Convergys before with Sprint but he was pirated by HSBC. He said he will drop by our room to say hi but he never did.

We reserved Executive Suite 3 since the townhouses were already full. The owner told me that they will provide extra mattresses for the additional guests since there are only 2 Queen size beds in the room. Based from the website, there is a refrigerator in the room, tv with cable, wi-fi, free breakfast for 4.

Here's our experience in the place.

We arrived in the casa and yes there's this Spanish feeling in the place, with the music playing and the plants in the garden, but really there's no wow factor. We went to our room, the Superior Suite and there we saw the 2 Queen size beds, television, a book shelf with plenty of encyclopedias, a picture of a boy (it was super creepy, promise!) a huge volt, dining table, lazy boy chair, closets with different glasses (but it's locked) and one extra mattress.

How come there's only one extra mattress when I informed them that we are a group of ten?

So we informed the caretaker to please bring additional mattresses for our companions. That was around 3-4 in the afternoon.

There's no refrigerator as stated in the website.

We tried to look around the place, a part of the roof in the garden was torned. There was a dead rat floating in the jacuzzi

We opened the television but there was no cable. Again we asked the caretaker and we were informed that the Dream cable's not connected or there's no signal or something. They also don't have an antenna so that we can local tv shows. They have a dvd player but we don't like the movies.

I tried to use my laptop and I was glad that it was able to detect the wi-fi connection but I wasn't able to connect. I informed one of the owners about it but she was clueless regarding the internet connection settings.

Before we planned to go to Picnic Grove, we asked the caretaker if we can use the kitchen so that April can cook her pasta. Mayor and Myke was informed that there will be an additional fee for using their kitchen. Knowing that it's not in the website (unlike the jacuzzi wherein it was clearly stated that there will be an additional fee of 150 Pesos per head) We talked to the caretaker to verify if that information is correct. The caretakers said that they are not aware of the said price but what they know is that if it's not stated in the website then there shouldn't be any fee.

The caretaker asked again the owner to confirm and Carlo's partner approached us with her laptop. She told us that there is a fee of 500 Pesos showing me the page for Suite number 3. I told her that I checked the rates and there's no fee stated in the website. She asked what are we going to cook. April said pasta and that would only take a few minutes. She said she'll ask Carlo about it, and she lowered the price to 250. We doesn't have much choice because if we will not cook, some of the meat products we bought will be spoiled. So we agreed to the P250 fee.

We left the place to go to Picnic Grove but unfortunately it was already closed so we headed to Starbucks and after coffee, we went back to the casa.

When we opened our room, we still don't have the additional mattresses. We asked the caretaker and we were informed that there's a townhouse with 20 guests who were using the mattresses. Honestly I was super disappointed because we already informed them ahead of time that we are a group of 10. So what if there's a hundred people in the townhouse, the mattresses shouldn't be our problem, it's their problem to solve.

Good thing the caretaker was able to produce additional mattresses and pillows for our group.

The next day, my companions were talking about an incident that happened on our first night in the casa. Since they were drunk, a jacket was incidentally brought to our room. Carlo's partner knocked but she opened the door and came inside our room without any permission. That's a rude way to treat guests. There is actually a word called 'Respect' and 'Privacy' if that person knows the meaning of it. We paid for the room so we should be treated accordingly.

We went to Taal Volcano early in the morning and when we reached the top of the volcano it was nearly 12 noon. I texted Carlo to inform him that we will be checking out late because we are still in Taal but reminded him as well that we came in late.

Carlo texted me with a message saying that they are strict with their check in and out times 1pm to 12 noon the other day but he will make exceptions and allow us to check out until 3pm.

A breakfast for 4 was included but it was never served.

We left the place completely disappointed and I everytime I think of the experience that we had I get humiliated that I brought my friends to that place.

They were super fast and keen when it comes to matters which involves money but their service is extremely poor.

Yes I was able to take good pictures on their place, but in reality it's not that pretty. The services offered aren't that pretty.

I would personally not recommend Casa de Carlo.

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Ah, This is awesome! Puts to bed
several contradictions I've heard

bb said...

who's the partner that you're referring to? i only know carlo as the owner and his sister doesn't even go there...

Anonymous said...

well, ganun talga pag mura.. I'd complain if I spent too much..

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megan said...


thanks for your comments, we were planning to stay at Casa de Carlo, but after reading your review and several others, we changed our minds.

I think you would have to check the comments that some people are putting on your blog. Most of them are written by spammers who want to plant links to theIr websites.

Thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing your story; was thinking of getting vouchers from ensogo for casa de carlo,,,but changed my mind.

Anonymous said...

..wow.I hope we saw your bog before we bought the voucher. We'll be staying there for 1night with my colleagues. Hope we will not experience this T_T

- Ann