
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sr. Client Services Manager's Visit

November 9, 2009

Anabel, our Sr. Client Services Manager based in Texas, USA arrived in the Philippines. Dick, Les and Loleck fetched her in the airport and they went straight to the Shangri-La Hotel in Makati. They bought us a huge burger from Circles. We finally met Anabel in person. She's so pretty! and super nice.

November 10, 2009

Anabel bought us Starbucks coffee. =)

November 11, 2009

I joined the Management team's dinner at Myron's Place Greenbelt 5. I was with Anabel (Sr. Client Services Manager), Marivi (Site Director), Olu (Program OIC), Ron, Xian, Gian, Haziel, Rain (Our Operations Managers), Loleck, Les and JL (Client Services Managers), Joie (Our SAQP), KR (Our Floor Leader), Grace (Admin Assistant) and Dick (Reports Analyst). I was so full. We ordered Myron's Choice which costs around 4,500+ (It's not just for me, it's good for 6 so I shared with KR, Les, Loleck, Dick and Grace). For dessert, I ordered cheesecake and dark chocolate ice cream (yum! yum!). After dinner we went back to Glorietta 5 to work. :p

Here are some of the pictures:

November 12, 2009

Anabel visited UP Science

November 13, 2009

April joined the UP Science Management Dinner with Anabel.

November 15, 2009

I added Anabel in Facebook :p

November 17, 2009

April and I bought some gifts for Anabel. We bought a bubble head Juan Dela Cruz and a Manila T-Shirt from Kultura. Sho loved it. It was her last day in Glorietta because she will fly back to the U.S.

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