
Sunday, October 04, 2009


Last September 26, we were scheduled to go to Santolan for Tito Orly's birthday celebration. I also agreed to go there since we were not able to attend the town fiesta last Sept 22, since Anjela is very sick.

We decided to go to Balara first, to my sister-in-law's house to get the videoke player. It was already raining and traffic was really heavy. We were able to pass Marcos Highway and when we were in Katipunan, traffic was still heavy. When I looked at La Vista Subdivision, a Honda CRV was stranded coz water is half as high as the car. That's the reason why other cars can't go inside the subdivision and it was one of the reasons why the cars were not moving.

We decided to go back to Santolan. On our way back, water is already high. I started to feel scared coz the current was really strong. When we passed Marikina River, you won't see the roads right beside it coz it was already under water. So we arrived in my in-law's house in Santolan.

Marikina River

After a few hours, we heard that the water from the river is starting to rise. The lower part of Santolan was already under water. We can already see the water coming, so my mother-in-law already prepared the appliances to make sure they won't submerge in the flood.

Electricity went off and it was late in the afternoon. I can see the water running fast and starting to enter the house. Alwyn moved the car to Evangelista St. After a minutes, water was already as high as my knees. I told Alwyn that we will just stay inside the car. And so we did. I was really scared that time. It was the first time I've encountered that.

I was scared and was thinking of my family in Vermont. I was not sure if some of my relatives helped Nanay and Arrian. I wasn't thinking about our appliances anymore, I was thinking about their safety. The CDs with Anjela's pictures and videos since birth, I already conditioned myself that I won't see those again. Our dogs, I was thinking if someone saved them from drowning. Nanay and Arrian doesn't know how to swim. I was thinking what they were doing during the storm.

Nanay trying to contact me

I cried inside the car. Anjela was sleeping, the lights were off and I know no one can see me. I cried and I prayed that the rain would stop. I know I was not the only one praying that time. I saw an old lady being carried by her relative. She was wearing a rosary. I can't eat and I can't sleep. I was scared that the water will continue to rise.

Around midnight, the rain started to stop. Alwyn told me that the water is starting to subside. I was thankful but still worried coz I don't have any means of communication with my family. Still I wasn't able to sleep.

Sunday morning, the rain stopped and there's mud everywhere. People were full of mud. I was able to contact Nanay and thank God they were ok. I still can't contact Tita Nelly coz their phone is still dead. I asked Alwyn if we can go to Dela Paz just to check them and so we did. We saw Tita Mer sitting outside trying to remove the mud. Alwyn and I helped them remove the mud coz I was scared that they might slip and that will cause additional problems. Come night time and finally there was electricity in Santolan. Again we spent the night there coz the water in Vermont still hasn't subsided.

Monday morning, we went home. We saw the damages caused by Ondoy, cars filled with mud parked all over Marcos Highway. Our house was a total mess. Nanay was able to save most of our appliances except for the refrigerator. She also saved our photo albums and Anjela's CDs. Alwyn's motorcycle got submerged in the flood. The dogs are ok too. Everyone was busy cleaning their houses. Still I was thankful because everyone was safe.

I wasn't able to go to work for 2 nights to take care of things in the house. We bought food good for days as well as mineral water. It was hard to buy though because of the long lines in supermarkets.

Finally things are starting to go back to normal.

Inspite of that tragic experience, I also saw goodness in people. Those who tried to help in carrying other's belongings. People who assisted the elderly. Those who were not that affected giving away foods and letting them call their relatives for free.

I just hope everyone will be able to move on from this experience. God is still with us and we should thank him for still being here despite of what happened.

Here are some pictures:

Inside our house

Our neighbor's house

Our neighbor's car

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