
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Marc's Post Birthday and Stag Party

My friend Marc celebrated his birthday last Friday and my friends decided to throw a little party for him to celebrate it as well as his upcoming wedding on November. They reserved a room in Keni Po Tagaytay and we decided to attend but not for an overnight stay.

The Birthday Boy and soon to be Groom

We arrived in Keni Po and Chay together with Cha welcomed us. Cha carried yuna to the room and when we entered the place, Dona and Ludwick were inside playing Wii. After a few chit chats we decided to swim in the pool. It was super cold. Cha and Lud played with Yuna. Dona took some photos of Cha trying to copy the pose of Christine Reyes. Yuna called Cha "Yaya", the guys were teasing them as Yaya and Angelina.

With Yaya and Lud

We had a super late lunch and then we took some photos using Marc's super huge camera. The guys played with Yuna. It was super fun. I'm happy to see them playing with Yuna. I'm so glad to see my friends.

Some of my friends (Not in photo: Dona and Ryan)

Around 4:30 we decided to drive back home. Yuna kissed them all goodbye but was a little hesitant when she was about to kiss Lud (So funny). We stopped by Colette's to buy some buko pie, my pasalubong to Nanay. We were home at around 8:30 PM.

It was really tiring, my body and arms are still aching but it's all worth it. Money spent but the time spent with friends? priceless.

Pictures uploaded on my multiply site.

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