
Friday, November 09, 2012

Timpalak Bigkasan

Today, Anjela will compete on their Timpalak Bigkasan contest. She's already a winner since there's just 3 of them competing.

To start they performed a cute dance number. Anjela's a great dancer! With her hips shaking and with her super smile, she definitely looked cute during her dance.

It was actually a long tiring, hot day, waiting for hours until the program's finished. To end thhe excitement, they announced the winners. I was thinking Anjela would grab second place coz her classmate Ria speaks louder. To my surprise, Anjela was proclaimed champion! Second year straight!

Let's see next school year if she will be able to defend her Timpalak Bigkasan throne lol.

Congratulations baby! Mama and Daddy are sooo proud of you. We love you! 

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