
Monday, July 02, 2012

3D/4D Ultrasound Experience Part 2

I went again to Marikina OB Gyne Ultrasound Clinic for the continuation of my ultrasound session. I hoped that baby will show her face even for a few minutes. But then again I was wrong. First time we checked, she's still raising her arms and hiding her face :(

Doctor asked me to walk around first grab something to eat and drink juice. So that's what I did. After waiting for an hour or so, I was called again. Same thing baby's hiding her face :(

I was asked again to rest, I think they're playing the third movie already. After another hour, I was asked again to enter the room for another round. Finally! she showed her face. She's awake, her eyes were open, she's thumb sucking and doing crazy things like poking her eye. She's adorable!

We were then finally able to take her pictures and videos. We were actually the last customer who left the clinic (took almost 5 hours! think about my frustration!)

Here's Jennela Nicole's picture:

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