
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Anjela's 3rd Birthday

To My Unica Hija, My Princess, My Baby, Anjela,

Happy 3rd Birthday.. I love you so much!

Hugs and Kisses,

We started the day by going to Santolan church. Anjela was a bit cranky while we were hearing the mass, good thing we were able to complete it. We went back to my Mother-in-Law's house to rest for a while then we went straight to Sta. Clara church to give thanks.

While we were hearing the mass, Nanay is preparing everything in the house (food, tables etc). Then we went to Sta. Lucia to get Anjela's cake.

It was super hot compared to the previous birthday celebrations wherein it rained a lot. We had 2 huge tents to cover our background, and everything's prepared.

It was late afternoon when most of Anjela's guests arrived. Alwyn's family and relatives, my friends, Alwyn's friends..

There's videoke and a lot of drinks.

We were so tired but it was fun. Here are some of our pictures ❤❤

Her birthday cake :)

Her gifts :)

Posing in front of her tarpaulin

After singing her happy birthday song


More foods!

It's not complete without lechon :)

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