
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I love you Araneta!!

I just got my tickets! L.A. said I'm going to get my Outjam dog tag since I'm one of the first 1000 to register. Parokya ni Edgar and Kamikazee will perform. Araneta Coliseum gates will open at 3:00PM and the concert will start at around 5:00PM. Of course there will still be intermission numbers and all that. Show will end at around 8:00 PM.

If you go to Araneta Coliseum website, you'll see that September 5's already reserved for Convergys.

Here's my tickets:

Doobi Doobi Doo..Yes Yes Show!

It's Employee Appreciation Week, and tonight i'll be getting a massage!!! woohoo..

I'm already thinking of what to wear on Saturday!
3 more days before Outjam!

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