
Saturday, September 05, 2009

All I Want is Everything..

And this time it's not about Gossip Girl. It's about my friend Dick.

Yeah the famous Dick Sy!

He gets what he wants.
If we tend to like something at the same time, he gets it first.

Here's a couple of real life examples:

1. We were checking out gsmarena.com to look for a good phone (that was like back in 2007 i think). We both saw N70 and we both liked it. I told him that i'll buy that phone but guess what? He bought it first.

2. I told him before that my tatay bought me an ipod nano. He said he wants it too. A day before my tatay arrived and before I ever get to touch or see my nano, he already bought an 8 gig ipod nano. Again, he got it first.

3. Now he was showing me this Canon SX200 IS digicam , I thought the gadget's pretty cool so I said maybe i'll buy it some other time, after my big project but guess what? a day after he showed that camera with the specs, he already bought it. Aside from that, he also took some pictures which made me really really envy... GRRR he got it first again, again and again (lady gaga mode sorry :p)

Yeah here's the picture taken by Dick

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