
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

I hate goodbyes

Right this very moment I am watching the Requiem mass for the late former President Cory Aquino, who died last August 1, 2009. It's very overwhelming to see all the people who stood there outside of Manila Cathedral under the rain, as well as the people waiting in Roxas Boulevard, just to get a glimpse of the former leader.

When I saw the people in Ayala few days ago, I saw the respect that people gave and indeed she really deserve that. I am not an avid fan of Cory Aquino, but as a Filipino, I am thankful for what she did for our country.

Events like this can easily make me cry. Even if I try my very best to hold the tears, I just can't help it.

Inspite of the sadness, it feels good to see people united once again. Until the very last moment Cory Aquino was able to bring people together.

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