
Sunday, October 05, 2014

Food: Home Made Pastillas

I used to order pastillas from a friend, however, for so many reasons, the pastillas that I ordered, they weren't able to deliver it to me after several follow ups... shame I know.

Yuna was the one whoa sked for the pastillas, so Tuesday afternoon, while buying grocery items, I decided to just buy powdered and condensed milk for my project.

Wednesday, with continuous mixing of milk, here's my finished product!! Just added some minty chocolate at the top for a little twist 😉

Yuna loved it! and she's even asked me to do it again.. If she loves it then there'll be another batch of these for my babies 😊

Happy that they loved it! 😘


Bhie - said...

not just the food but the bonding you share while making your pastillas right mommy Jemie ?
Your pastillas so cute like cupcakes :)

Bhie - said...
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Jem said...

that is correct :) simple yet priceless bonding time with the kids :)