
Monday, April 21, 2014

Amana Waterpark Resort 2014

Due to the very warm weather that we currently have. My hubby together with some of our friends decided to go to Bulacan for an outing. We were looking for a place that's affordable and the kids will enjoy. With the help of Google, we ended up with Amana Waterpark Resort in Pandi Bulacan.

April 12, we were supposed to travel to bulacan late in the aftenoon, however my hubby came home late from work so we left the house at around 8pm. Anjela's Godfathers were also with us, and we stayed in the house of our friend in Pulilan.

April 13, we woke up late LOL. The original plan of waking up at around 6, we woke up later than that. Plus with all the stop overs, we arrived at Amana at around 10am. good thing we were able to reservea  cottage since there was a lot of people coming in by groups.

There were plenty of pool that's kid friendly coz they're not that deep. A lot of life sized action figures as well. During our stay, since it was Pacquiao and Bradley match, the resort also showed the match live via pay per view for free (other resorts would cost extra for this show). They also have this Marvel-ous program with a lot of cosplayers wearing superhero attires. The minions as wella s spongebob were also there. 

Here's our family picture in the wave pool:

What I like about Amana:
- They have plenty of booths that sells food, pretty convinient.
- They have programs that's will really attract your attention.
- Life sized action figures is a plus for the kiddos and pretty cool if you want to go picture taking.
- Pools are kid friendly most of them are not that deep for kids aged 6 yrs old ++

Now on what I don't like:
- Pool is not that clean, with the number of guests that they have, that pretty much explains it all.
- Life guards are not that visible. We went to the batcave and i don't see any life guards. Or maybe they don't have uniform? Not sure.
- Shower rooms. Though they have individual shower rooms which is good, they're not properly maintained. Not clean, not enough trash cana, coz you'll see sanitary napkins around (yeah gross!) some rooms doesn't have racks where you can hang clothes.
- Parking area, well if there's a lot of guests is really far from the entrance, so is the ticketing office, way far from the entrance that you need to go back and forth from thhe parking, to he entrance and walk back passing the parking area then the resort's main entrance. They should've placed the ticketing office just near the resort's enteance, just saying.

But as they all say which is indeed true. it is thhe company that you're with that will make your travel worth while. The kids enjoyed, and so did we. So we're planning for another trip this coming May ☺️

Making the most out of summer ☀️☀️👍

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