
Monday, June 04, 2012

Anjela: Senior Kinder 2012

It's the start of another school year and Anjela is now on her Senior Kinder year (now, since they've started K12 program, they just call it Kinder).

Most of her classmates were accelerated to Grade 1 because of K12 program. Unfortunately, even if I talked to her teachers if they can let Anjela take the assessment, they won't allow since they're following the age bracket (if the child will turn 6 years old this school year, even until March, they are qualified to take the exam for Grade 1).

I just wanted to know if she'll be able to pass :)

Most of her new classmates now were nursery pupils before (and smaller than her as well), so I asked her teacher as to why they're now included in Anjela's class. I was informed that those pupils are turning 5 this school year (same age as Anjela's) so they're just genetically small.  Come to think of it, there's an advantage since Anjela's starting to read now.

Even if they didn't accelerate Anjela to Grade 1, it's ok coz she's still young for her grade level, she's just turning 5 this year and still 5 years old once she start grade 1.

Tip that I thought of: For baby girl number 2, she'll start school once she reach 5 years old, kinder level right away then grade 1. Well as per DepEd, that's the only requirement needed for a child to enter elementary level, they should go through kinder first. With that i'll be able to skip and save 2 school years (toddler and nursery) :)

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