
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pista sa Nayon

Anjela had their school activity for the pre-school department called "Pista sa Nayon". This is to celebrate Buwan ng Wika. They were asked to come in to school wearing any Filipino costumes and they would also bring Filipino foods.

As usual I don't want to miss Anjela's school activities. We went to her school and arrived at around 10:00 AM. I brought her costume and helped her dressed up in school (it was raining so hard that we were not able to drop by my in-law's house).

At around 10:30 AM, we gathered to the school's covered court and there, we prepared the foods that we brought. There's a dedicated area for the parents so that we can watch the kids while they go through their program.

The activity started with a prayer and some opening remarks. The kids then lined up for they will go around the school campus to show off their costumes. After that, they all went to the stage for a little picture taking.

Anjela with her partner Andrey

They also had some song and dance numbers. Anjela along with two of her classmates who also won in Timpalak Bigkasan, recited their "Wikang Pinoy" piece on stage (with microphone). Anjela, obviously was shy as she recited along with the two kids (if they were allowed to use microphone during the contest before, for sure Anjela will get the second runner up award, good thing they didn't :) ).

After reciting the poems, we all shared the foods that everyone brought. Anjela and I brought kutsinta, while the other students brought puto, pichi-pichi, pancit and biko. After the break, the kids were asked to join the games that the teachers prepared. First contest was the calamansi relay race, Anjela's class won that contest. Next contest was the "Pahabaan ng line" contest. They were asked to say "Pinoy Ako...." as long as possible. Anjela didn't win :) Then they had the "Magtanim ay di biro" game where in they were asked to put straws on the softdrink bottles and then they will remove it too. Anjela's class won second place. They also had the "Hataw Palayok" game and the "Pabitin".

Break Time!

Anjela and Alfonso sharing one toy (I love this picture)

When the program was about to end, Teacher Kaycee asked Anjela to lead the closing prayer. Anjela's confident enough to go infront of everyone in the covered court, held the microphone and led the prayer (Another proud Mama moment :) ).

Anjela was able to take home a couple of candies as prizes and some toys as souvenirs. It was a a fun activity.

Wikang Filipino... Bow!

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